Downward Arrow

Climate Finance Solutions

We secure billions of dollars in grant funding to catalyze the development and scaling of high-impact climate solutions

Our track record

$1.51 Billion

Grant Funding Secured

$250 Million

External Co-financing Secured

$4.5 Billion

secured over team’s careers


success rate

($ Awarded vs Pursued)

A Mission-Driven, Climate-Focused Company

We believe that grant funding is vital to solving the climate challenge: it provides the patient, risk-tolerant capital that many companies and organizations need to develop, deploy, and scale high-impact climate solutions.

However, the grant funding landscape is difficult to navigate. High barriers to access mean that funding resources are not allocated for the highest possible impact and do not meet the urgency of the crisis. CFS provides an interdisciplinary suite of services that lowers these barriers and ensures that organizations with critical climate solutions are able to access proper funding. CFS specializes in securing public grants in the multi-million, tens-of-millions, or multi-hundred-million dollar range.

a stream in the middle of the forest

Our partners include

What Our Clients Are Saying

Yard Stick

Since we started working with CFS in June of 2021, they have helped us win several million dollars in grant funding and have become a close partner and essential component of our fundraising strategy. CFS was able to comprehensively map the non-dilutive funding landscape and help us identify the highest priority funding opportunities for us to pursue. They also helped us win grants from the National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture, US Department of Energy, and California Department of Food and Ag, and we have millions more in funding pending, including being shortlisted for various grants. We have found their team to not only have expert knowledge about the funding process, but also have a technical depth that makes it easy to work with them on complex projects. They are incredibly professional and we feel comfortable having them represent our company in conversations with partners and funders alike. We look forward to continuing to work with them for a long time.

Carbon Bridge

We were new to the whole application process for the DOE - which was overwhelming for a small team like ours. CFS stepped in, deciphered the application requirements, put a plan together and helped us translate our innovations and thought process into an award winning application - all while under extreme time pressure. We could not have won our ARPA-E grant without the CFS team.

All Power Labs

CFS and its CEO, Joel Armin-Hoiland, have secured over $10 million in grant funding for All Power Labs. Most recently, CFS secured over $4.7 million in funding––$3.2 million from the California Energy Commission for the development and deployment of our carbon negative biomass gasification technology and $1.5M in equity investment for the company. They also secured more than $6.2 million in additional grant funding. They provide APL with on-time, thorough, trenchant writing that would be an asset to any organization in need of grant funding, as well as technology, commercialization, and project development in the US and around the globe. CFS' deep understanding of the economy of funders, broad knowledge of climate and its intersection with public policy, and excellent writing skills are highly recommended. Our recent contracts with Climate Finance Solutions to support the development of multiple  multi-million-dollar grant-funded projects has continued this tradition of providing high-quality, professional, and comprehensive work product. ​

International Biochar Initiative

CFS worked with us to successfully secure a $1.8 million grant from a leading food and agriculture-focused foundation, which will have a transformative impact on our organization. In addition to helping develop the proposal, CFS provided critical expertise and support in project design, organizational development, financial and fundraising strategy, and other critical activities that were essential to being able to win the large award. Working with CFS was easy and rewarding, with their clear and consistent communication and highly organized workflows. Their team is experienced, personable, and professional and we cannot recommend them enough.


Our startup realized we were not in a position to win a competitive bid with a large company unless we had help wading through the enormous and highly technical application. CFS came highly recommended, and immediately organized the entire project and proposal, and integrated very well with our team. Not only did they edit the material that we generated, but they quickly understood the complexities of our technology and market, well enough to write much of the content for us. They were always very responsive, including by text, and guided us through the entire process. We ended up winning the bid. We love working with CFS and feel lucky to have found them.

Our clients include

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